Shut-In Ministry

Every quarter Good Shepherd sponsors a shut-in service on Saturday afternoon.  The service of Holy Communion allows those who are in poor health to attend worship at a more convenient time.  Following the service a small luncheon is prepared by the Board for Social Ministry and the Health Cabinet. 

Shut-ins at Good Shepherd are visited at least once a month by Pastors Wentzel or Kollmann.  At that time they also receive private communion if they are able.  The Parish Nurse also coordinates other visits with lay people including youth. 

Pictured below are some of the people who attended the April, 2001 service along with members of the Board of Social Ministry and the Health Cabinet.

Shut-In Luncheon Nearest the camera, Pastor Hoft, Pastor Boda and Chaplin Wentzel enjoy the luncheon.


Facing the camera are members of the Board of Social Ministry, Dorothy Hoffman, Bill Hanke (Chairman) and Harold Ulkus. Shut-In Luncheon


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