


October 2006 Revision 3




The name of this society shall be: The Good Shepherd Lutheran Women’s Missionary League of Collinsville, Illinois hereafter referred to as LWML. This society shall be affiliated with the Lutheran Women’s Missionary League of the Metro-Central Zone of the Southern Illinois District (District LWML) which is affiliated with the national organization of the Lutheran Women’s Missionary League, an auxiliary of the Lutheran Church – Missouri Synod.


The objective of this LWML shall be:

1. To know and to do the will of our Lord Jesus Christ by equipping women to use their God-given talents in sharing God’s love:

a. In our own hearts and lives by reading, studying, mutual encouragement, inspiration, and Christian sociability;

b. In our congregation by setting the example of consecrated womanhood, visiting the sick, suffering, sorrowing, in winning the unchurched, encouraging and keeping those won, and in other service projects for the congregation and the church;

c. In our community by being alert and bringing to light ways and means in which the church can bring the power of Christianity to bear upon the community for its advancement and improvement.

2. To follow the objectives of District LWML which include developing and maintaining a greater mission consciousness among the women of the church through mission education, mission inspiration, mission service, and mission grants.


Recognizing itself to be a vital part of Good Shepherd Lutheran Church, and conforming to the Constitution of the church, the LWML places itself under the supervision of the Church Council and the Pastor of the congregation, with whom it will cooperate in carrying on the work of the church.


  1. As a member of Good Shepherd, a woman has the privilege of becoming a member of the LWML and is strongly encouraged to do so. If circles exist, she may choose one in which she will serve.
  2. Members who have requested and received transfer of church membership by the Voter’s Assembly shall be removed from the membership roll of the LWML.
  3. Non-members of Good Shepherd congregation may become associate members of the society if they have some connection with the church, such as husband being a member, children in Sunday school, etc., without the privilege of holding office.


If Circles are formed they shall be under the jurisdiction of the society.


  1. The officers of the society shall be: President, Vice-President (who also serves as Membership Chairman), Christian Life Chairman, Secretary, and Treasurer, all to be elected bi-annually. President, Christian Life Chairman and Treasurer are to be elected in even-numbered years; Vice-President and Secretary are to be elected in odd-numbered years. No officer shall serve more than two consecutive terms in the same office.
  2. Only members of the Lutheran Church-Missouri Synod shall be eligible to hold office.




  1. The President shall;
    1. Preside at all regular and special meetings of the society and the meetings of the Executive Board including a meeting of the current and newly elected officers in January.
    2. Appoint the chairmen of all standing committees with the approval of the Executive Board.
    3. Appoint all other committees with the approval of the Executive Board.
    4. Be an ex-officio member of all committees except the Nominating Committee.
    5. Oversee the publication of society events.
    6. Perform all other duties as prescribed by the society.
  2. The Vice-President shall:
    1. Perform the duties of the President in the absence of that officer and at all times aid the President in furthering the interest of the society.
    2. Perform all other duties which may be assigned to her.
    3. As Membership Chairman, keep an accurate list of all members and committees; and,
    4. Contact and encourage new church members to become members of Good Shepherd LWML.
  3. The Christian Life Chairman shall:
    1. Contact speakers or presenters and finalize program contents and dates.
    2. Collect equipment and materials the presenter may need, prior to the meeting date.
    3. Obtain honorarium from the Treasurer to be given to the presenter and write thank you notes.
    4. Provide sign-up sheets for members at November and December meetings where they can indicate when they will be hostesses, prayer leaders, and lead devotions (opening and Mite Box).
    5. Produce LWML Program Booklets using the above information, and distribute them to members at the February meeting.
  4. The Secretary shall:
    1. Keep an accurate record of all meetings including publishing minutes to the Good Shepherd Website.
    2. Handle all correspondence.
  5. The Treasurer shall:
    1. Acknowledge all monies received, crediting the same to the fund for which they are given and deposit them in an approved bank.
    2. Pay all bills and make such distribution of funds as the society directs.


  1. A Nominating Committee consisting of two members shall be appointed by the Executive Board at the September meeting. It shall endeavor to prepare a ballot of two candidates for each office to be presented at the October meeting.
  2. Officers of the LWML shall be elected by ballot for a term of two years at the November meeting by a majority vote of the members present.
  3. Newly elected officers shall be officially installed at the December meeting and assume office at the February meeting.
  4. The Executive Board shall appoint one of the members of the society to fill any vacancy that may occur.


  1. Each member shall regularly attend meetings and perform whatever duties shall be assigned to her.
  2. Each member will be expected to serve on a current Good Shepherd LWML standing committee according to her abilities.


  1. The LWML shall meet monthly with the exception of January and July at which times there will be no formal meeting.
  2. Special meetings may be called by the Executive Board or the Pastor, when necessary.


  1. The Executive Board shall consist of the officers of the LWML. It shall meet at the call of the Pastor or President, to discharge such business as may come before it.
  2. The Executive Committee shall consist of the Executive Board and the chairmen of all the standing committees of the LWML. It shall meet at the call of the President to discharge such business as may come before it.
  3. An Auditing Committee shall be appointed by the Executive Board in November to audit the books of the Treasurer and report at the February meeting.


  1. The society is entitled to send two delegates to the Metro-Central Zone Rally of the LWML. They shall be the President or her alternate and one delegate appointed by the Executive Board.
  2. The society is entitled to send two delegates to the Biennial Convention of the District. They shall be the President or her alternate and one delegate appointed by the Executive Board.
  3. The society is entitled to send one or more Young Women’s Representatives (YWR’S) to the Biennial District Convention. The YWR’s are appointed by the Executive Board.


  1. The LWML shall gather funds by free-will contributions or other voluntary means, including activities such as serving meals or luncheons for church or civic groups. It can also include bake sales, bazaars, etc. for special purposes.
  2. Mites shall be collected monthly and sent to the District LWML to support District and National Grants.
  3. The LWML shall contribute a memorial of $10.00 to Good Shepherd Lutheran Church in the event of the death of a member or one of her immediate family.
  4. Miscellaneous
    1. The expenses of the delegates and the young women’s representative to zone rallies and district conventions shall be paid out of the general fund.
    2. Authorized expenses and donations shall be paid out of the general fund.
  1. Should the LWML disband, all its funds and possessions shall become the property of Good Shepherd Church, to which it belongs, and under whose supervision it works.


Changes to the Articles of the Constitution and By-Laws may be made at any regular business meeting of the society by two-thirds vote of the members present, provided the proposed change has been publicized at least one meeting in advance.

